
Do you have a cancellation and refund policy?

If you need to cancel your tour, you can do so and receive a refund provided it is 90 days before the first day of the tour date. However, if an airline ticket has been purchased, it will not be refundable, unless you have asked us to purchase a refundable ticket.


What about trip insurance?

If you wish to insure your trip, we recommend you use IMGlobal or Travel Guard. However, there are many travel insurance companies out there and one of them may prove to be a better option for you. 

IMGlobal’s website is 

Travel Guard’s website is 

On their website you can find their current telephone numbers.

They both have multiple options for insuring anything from the flight itself to the full cost of the trip.

Why should I take a trip with Tribe of Dan Tours?

  1. You get a small and personalized group. Most groups are between 16-30 people, not 40-60.
  2. Direction and materials for pre-trip studies. This makes the trip far more educational and the benefits lasting.
  3. Price. Because Tribe of Dan Tours does not use a middle-man but deals directly with hotels and transportation companies, the trip’s costs are less (sometimes much less) then most comparable trips.
  4. Flexibility and custom designed. Because we are not a large tourist company with pre-set schedules, we are free to design a trip to a group’s liking.
  5. Because Tribe of Dan Tours uses an audio tour guide sound system, tourists are provided with a receiver and an ear bud that allows you to hear the guide wherever you are positioned in the group. 
  6. After returning home (the Israel trip only), you will receive Dan Glick’s book entitled, The Holy Land: A 40-Day Devotional. This book covers the sites visited and contains the basic material given at the sites along with the spiritual application, a prayer, and three pictures from each site.

Is it dangerous to be in Israel or Turkey and Greece?

The simple answer is no. In a recent survey Israel was discovered to be  the fifth safest country for tourists in the world. America came in at 20th. This news article appeared in the Jerusalem Post as well as other media outlets. It is good to know that the chances of being killed in a terrorist attack are about 1 in 20 million. A person is as likely to be killed by his or her own furniture, and more likely to die in a car accident, drown in a bathtub, or in a building fire than from a terrorist attack. Since 1970, 4,000 Americans have been killed in terrorists attacks. That is relatively a low number when considering our country has over 350 million people. Of those 4,000, most of those lives were lost in the September 11, 2001 in NYC right here on American soil.

When considering Israel, terrorist attacks are mainly on soldiers in the Israeli army and settlers in the West Bank. Most people, both Israelis and Palestinians, love tourists in Israel. Even in times of conflict like the Gaza War of 2014, 2,874 rockets were fired from the Gaza strip in the month of July. Six people died from those rockets. Only six people! That’s how good the Iron Dome system is. Furthermore, Israel is not usually at war with Gaza and most of our trips do not get close to Gaza. If conditions are truly dangerous for tourists, we will not travel.

It is interesting that most travelers to Israel, after being there, feel no fear, even in the West Bank, and often ask, “Why are people afraid to be in Israel?” It’s a good question. My response: Why aren’t people afraid to live in America where we average 42 murders a day, and over 3,000 people die daily/1.3 million annually in traffic accidents. We have mass shootings all over the country, and yet most of us go about our business without fear.

That’s exactly how people live in most other countries. Its just sad that our perceptions don’t generally correspond with reality. Turkey, too, has very few deaths from terrorist’s attacks compared to the population. Furthermore, our trips in Turkey are in western Turkey, far from the border with Syria and Iraq.

Personally, and I also speak for many other people, I have never felt any alarm being in Israel, Greece or Turkey, even with my family. I thoroughly enjoy the people, food, culture and enrichment that these countries have brought into my life. Don’t let irrational fear rob you of the joy of travel to these biblically significant places.

Is a visa necessary for travel to the countries where Tribe of Dan Tours operate?

For US citizens the answer is no. Americans only need a current passport that has at least 6 months until it expires beginning by the date of their arrival back into the USA.

Are guides used on these trips besides Dan Glick?

Yes, when and where needed, local guides are used. Occasionally there are guest lecturers on some of the trips.

What transportation and accommodations are used?

We use air-conditioned buses and stay in 3 and 4 star hotels. 

On trips to Israel, will there be a chance to be baptized in the Jordan River?

Yes, just south of the Sea of Galilee in a beautiful place called Yardenit.

Can I join a group or do I have to organize a group?

You can do either. Join an existing group planning to go (as long as it’s not full), or you can organize a group (minimum of 20 people) and customise it by making the decision when to go and how long the trip will be. You will also be able to customise the itinerary. 

Do I have to be of a particular religious denomination or persuasion to be on a trip?

No. Dan is used to working with people of many different backgrounds.

What is the price range of most trips to Israel?

Depending on the length and time of the year for the trip, the cost is currently running somewhere between $3,400 – $4,200. This is for the standard 12-16 day trip and this is not absolute as the price of airline tickets can vary greatly. Trips to other countries tend to be less expensive than Israel due to the very high cost of living in Israel. 

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